Effektive Feldtheorien, Hadronenphysik, Symmetrien
PD Dr. B. Kubis

Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik
Raum 3.027 (316)
Nussallee 14-16
53115 Bonn
Tel.: (+49) (0)228 73 3003
Fax: (+49) (0)228 73 3728
Email: kubis(at)hiskp.uni-bonn.de
Alte Lehrveranstaltungen:
WiSe 15/16: Seminar on Advanced Topics in Quantum Field Theory (physics654)
SoSe 15: Theoretische Physik I: Mechanik (physik221)
WiSe 14/15: Advanced Quantum Field Theory (physics7501)
[früher Advanced Theoretical Physics (physics607)]
SoSe 14: Quantum Field Theory (physics755)
WiSe 13/14: Advanced Quantum Theory (physics606)
SoSe 13: Theoretische Physik III: Quantenmechanik (physik421)
Seminar on Symmetries and Symmetry Breaking... (physics656)
WiSe 12/13: Gruppentheorie (physics751)
SoSe 12: Theoretische Physik I: Mechanik (physik221)
WiSe 11/12: Theoretical Hadron Physics (physics616)
SoSe 11: Advanced Theoretical Hadron Physics (physics637)
SFB/TR 16 "Elektromagnetische Anregung subnuklearer Systeme"
SFB/TR 110 "Symmetries and the Emergence of Structure in QCD"
A.1: Flavor symmetries and final-state interactions in hadronic decays
A.11: Hadronic transition form factors from analyticity
MesonNet (Teil des EU-Projektes HadronPhysics3)
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