Advanced Theoretical Hadron Physics

DozentenAkaki Rusetsky, Ulf-G. Meißner


Übungsassistenten: Shahin Bour


Vorlesung: Dienstag 10-12, Donnerstag 9, Seminarraum II HISKP


Übung: t.b.a.


The proposed lecture course is not a mere continuation of the Hadron Physics I lectures. In this advanced course, we give a broad introduction to the foundations of modern effective field theories. In particular, we discuss the relation to the concept of the renormalization and to the Wilson renormalization group, the role of symmetries, Chiral Perturbation Theory, and the application of effective field theory methods on the lattice.

In order to follow the course, basic knowledge of quantum field theory (QFT I)  is required.


  • Effective Field Theories and the renormalization group
  • Continuum limit of the QFT on the lattice
  • Role of symmetries: Ward identities in QCD
  • Foundations of Chiral Perturbation Theory
  • Electromagnetic effects in strong interactions
  • Anomalies, Wess-Zumino action
  • Non-relativistic effective field theories
  • Effective field theory methods at a finite temperature/volume  



Lecture notes:


Part 1: Physics at different scales and renormalization group approach

Part 2: Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian

Part 3: Symmetries in QCD

Part 4: Ward identities in QCD

Part 5: The sigma-model

Part 6: Introduction to ChPT




Exercise sheet 1

Exercise sheet 2

Exercise sheet 3

Exercise sheet 4

Exercise sheet 5

Exercise sheet 6

Exercise sheet 7

Exercise sheet 8

Exercise sheet 9

Exercise sheet 10

Exercise sheet 11

Exercise sheet 12