Seminar über aktuelle Frage der theoretischen Kernphysik

6.08.13 16:15

From Quantum Chromodynamics to Nuclear Physics

R. Briceno (UW)



With lattice QCD calculations in mind, I will motivate the study of two-nucleon systems in a finite volume. I will present the quantization condition that allows for the extraction of two-nucleon scattering parameters directly from the finite volume spectrum. The result holds for arbitrary isospin, spin, parity, and momenta below the pion-production threshold. I will present predictions for the  spectrum at the physical pion mass and pay close attention to the deuteron. The results demonstrate that in a finite volume, the sensitivity of the deuteron binding energy to the tensor force is enhanced and that the mixing angle in the 3S1-3D1 channel can be extracted by from lattice QCD calculations of the deuteron binding energy in this channel with nonzero total momentum.


Seminarraum II

Kategorie: Kernphysik