28.04.15 16:15

Quantum Chaotic Scattering in Microwave Billiards and Ericson Fluctuations Revisited - A Modern View on the Scientific Legacy of Theo Mayer-Kuckuk (1927 - 2014)

Achim Richter (TU Darmstadt)

Ericson fluctuations are a universal phenomenon in mesoscopic systems at all scales and are now considered to be paradigm of quantum chaos. This was not expected when Theo Mayer-Kuckuk worked on them in nuclei for which they were conjectured in the early 60ies of the last century. After some personal recollections of those times and a primer on Ericson fluctuations it will be shown that microwave billiards are ideal model systems for quantum chaotic scattering. Some precision tests of fluctuation theory for systems with and without time reversal symmetry breaking will be discussed in some detail.


Slides of the talk