27.01.2023 14:15

Masterkolloquium: Models of mutual attraction of spatially confined oscillations

Dong Zhang

Based on the assumption that particles are spatially confined oscillations (SCO),
dynamics of such objects can be developed. Under the assumption that the equation of
motion of the SCO is related to the refractive index of the ambient medium, one can
attempt to derive the interaction between SCOs and show that there is an attractive
acceleration between SCOs. In this thesis, the above conjecture will be tested.
Specifically, to enable an interaction between two or more SCOs, we construct a model
of the SCO where we assume that the SCO itself will change the local ambient refractive
index, so that other nearby SCOs will be subjected to a non-zero refractive index gradient
and produce a change in velocity in response. It is shown that such an SCO will attract
other SCOs if small deviations of the propagation speed of the medium are allowed. We
shall demonstrate that, if the high frequency modes dominate in the SCO spectral
density, the attractive acceleration will fall at large distances as 1/r³ (here r is the
distance between two SCOs). However, it is possible to construct a model which exhibits
Newtonian behaviors 1/r². In this model, low-frequency modes provide a dominant
contribution at large distances.
In addition, in order to test the above hypothesis, solitons are used as a toy SCO model,
to find, whether the method considered here reproduces the known result.
Room: Meeting Room, HISKP, 2nd floor
Time: Friday, 27/01/2023, 14:15 pm

Kategorie: News, HISKP News, Kolloquium