07.05.2019 15:15

HPC and QCD - High Perfomance Lattice Field Theory

Stefan Krieg (FZ Jülich)

Since decades, High Performance Computing (HPC) has been an integral part of calculations in lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the lattice regularized version of the theory of the strong force. The reason for this need of HPC systems is asymptotic freedom: non-perturbative methods are needed to study the theory directly in the low energy regime. This is where simulations of lattice QCD come into play.

The immense computational resources required by these calculations inspired the development of various HPC systems, some of which have ranked as the fastest supercomputers of their time. I will discuss how progress in HPC and simulation algorithms enabled increasingly precise calculations of important aspects of the theory. After touching upon the present status of the field, I will present a case where methods developed for lattice QCD are brought to fruition in simulations of carbon nano-structures. Finally, I address challenges posed by upcoming HPC systems, required for future calculations.


HISKP, Hörsaal (Raum 0.023)

Category: News, HISKP News, Kolloquium