22.07.2010 17:15

Spin Ladders and Magnetic Monopoles: what we learn by the combination of neutron scattering experiments and lab measurements

K. Kiefer (Berlin)

How does a quantum spin-ladder system behave in the Luttinger liquid regime? Are there magnetic monopoles in spin-ice? Depending on dimensionality, structure and the kind of interaction, magnetic spin systems at low temperatures show a fascinating variety of different magnetic behaviour. Helping to address these questions, the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB) with its research reactor BER II offers unique research opportunities for neutron scattering experiments with a focus on extreme sample parameters such as very low temperatures and high magnetic fields. In addition, a suite of laboratories complements the neutron scattering experiments and allows to get additional information about various physical properties. For the quantum spin-ladder  (Hpip)2CuBr4 and the spin-ice dysprosim titanate, this combination of neutron scattering experiments and lab measurements helped to get deep insights in the physics of magnetic spin systems.


(Seminarraum I)

Category: Kolloquium