Nachrichten Archiv
HISKP News, News, Kolloquium: Emulation of hybrid quantum-classical computations on high-performance computers
Kristel Michielsen (Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen)[mehr]
News, Kolloquium, Master-Kolloquium: Master-Kolloquium Celina Marie Frenkel
"The Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the PANDA Experiment: Detector Module Tests and Feature Extraction for the Forward Endcap"[mehr]
News, Kernphysik, HISKP News: Quantum and tensor network simulation of an abelian lattice field theory
Paolo Stornati (ICFO – Institute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels)[mehr]
HISKP News, Kolloquium: Verleihung des Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preises und Vortrag der Laureatin Hoai Le, FZ Jülich
Single- & double-strangeness hypernuclei in the framework of the NCSM and χEFT[mehr]