Kernphysikalisches Kolloquium im WS 2014/2015

29.01.15 16:00
Spin Physics with COSY

F. Rathmann (FZ Jülich)[more]

22.01.15 16:00
Quarkonium with Effective field theories

Nora Brambilla (TU München)[more]

11.12.14 16:00
A new generation of chiral nuclear forces

E. Epelbaum (Bochum)[more]

27.11.14 16:00
Nuclear structure from laser spectroscopy of light muonic atoms and ions

Randolf Pohl for the CREMA collaboration[more]

20.11.14 16:00
Verleihung des Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preises und Rede der Laureatin

D. Rönchen - The spectrum of nucleon and Delta resonances in a dynamical coupled-channel model[more]

13.11.14 16:30
Lattice QCD and Flavor Physics

Andreas S. Kronfeld[more]