21.07.2015 16:15

Great expectations for strongly interacting resonances at the LHC

Felipe Llanes-Estrada (Madrid)

Global-flavor spontaneous symmetry breaking seems a common feature of hadron and of electroweak physics. The chiral Lagrangian then has a counterpart in the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector of the Standard Model, except that there seem to be four "light" particles instead of three.  Most of the parameter space for that effective Lagrangian is strongly interacting, with the weakly-coupled Standard Model a fine-tuned case, so one might expect strong interactions at the TeV scale or higher.  Unitarizing the effective Lagrangian leads to various resonances, and I will compare those still compatible with LHC data with their equivalent ones in hadrons.


(Seminarraum II)

Category: Kernphysik