Nachrichten Archiv
News, HISKP News: Physicists of the University of Bonn honored with Pineapple Science Award
Prize-worthy explanations on the flight behavior of beer mats[mehr]
News, HISKP News: Master-Kolloquium Lado Razmadze
Exploring possible tobological structures in exactly solvable model on carbon nanoribbon[mehr]
HISKP News, Kolloquium, News: Verleihung des Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preises und Vortrag des Laureaten
Prof. Dr. Norbert Kaiser, TU München:"Nuclear Interactions from Chiral Effective Field Theory" Abstract: In this talk the construction of the nucleon-nucleon potential in chiral effective field theory is reviewed,...[mehr]
News, Kolloquium, Master-Kolloquium: Master-Kolloquium Abhilash Cheekoti
Dynamics of multistable oscillator networks: basins, stability and uncertainty[mehr]
News, HISKP News, Kolloquium: Discovery and study of the first double-charm tetraquark
Mikhail Mikhasenko (TU München)[mehr]